Make No Small Plans: How the City of Olympia, WA Doubled-Down On a Bold Community ‘Action Plan’

Learn all about the City of Olympia’s first Action Plan—not so much a “plan” as a transformative shift in how we as a community annually double-down on achieving that vision and sharing our progress in this video webinar.

SKIP to 4:05 for the main presentation (Session Slidedeck) (Post Discussion Guide)

You’ve done the hard work of adopting a bold community vision, and perhaps you have an ambitious strategic plan to go with it – Great! But is your community’s vision actually driving organizational change? Too often, visions and strategic plans are relegated to the shelf, while emerging issues, competing strategic documents, and annual budgets guide the work of local government. Just how would it look institutionalizing your commitment to an annual cycle of learning, engaging, and adapting, including: an annual evaluation of metrics; Council goal setting; community partner and citizen engagement; and priority action updates as needed?

Learn all about the City of Olympia’s first Action Plan—not so much a “plan” as a transformative shift in how we as a community annually double-down on achieving that vision and sharing our progress. They have radically shifted and aligned their attention, resources, and the way they do business towards achieving a vision in a way that exemplifies inclusiveness, transparency, and collaboration.

In this session, attendees will learn methods for:

Using indicators and performance metrics to track, share, and learn how to make progress towards achieving your community’s vision
Using innovative outreach and engagement methods to foster City staff, key stakeholders or partners, and community member investment in promoting and carrying out your vision
Aligning multiple, competing strategic documents and planning and budgeting processes towards accomplishing your vision
Engaging City staff, elected officials, and community members in an intentional annual cycle of learning, engaging, and investing to achieve your vision.


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