Disability Solid Waste and Water Services

A member city is interested in finding out what other cities do to accommodate their residents with disabilities for services like trash collection. Sometimes cities provide door pick-up for residents who need special assistance. What do other cities might do and how they communicate, track, review such services; and if there are any concerns to be aware of? Additionally, there might be services in other cities to adopt related to water services.

A member city is interested in finding out what other cities do to accommodate their residents with disabilities for services like trash collection. Sometimes cities provide door pick-up for residents who need special assistance. What do other cities might do and how they communicate, track, review such services; and if there are any concerns to be aware of? Additionally, there might be services in other cities to adopt related to water services.

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Strategies for the Onboarding Process

With efforts to further develop the onboarding process, local governments have reimagined the developmental experience for new hires.

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