Tag: Trust & Accountability

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Customer Service Satisfaction Surveys

What communities and cities are evaluating the way they collect customer service feedback? What research exists on effectively capturing meaningful feedback from citizens to gauge quality of customer service? What communities have identified solid customer service performance measures? Looking for ways to provide valuable feedback (beyond 6 rating questions, 1-5, that give no substantive data.

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Disability Solid Waste and Water Services

A member city is interested in finding out what other cities do to accommodate their residents with disabilities for services like trash collection. Sometimes cities provide door pick-up for residents who need special assistance. What do other cities might do and how they communicate, track, review such services; and if there are any concerns to be aware of? Additionally, there might be services in other cities to adopt related to water services.

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Utility Assistance Programs

We are looking for innovative and best practices for utility discount programs to reduce impacts to low income households, increase equity and support overall community well being.

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